Mirror Me, Inc produces characteristics of virtue, integrity, and leadership in girls ages 11-18. We help reveal identity through exemplifying the characteristics and nature of God. Mirror Me, Inc is founded on the principles outlined in Titus 2: 3-5. The older women are teaching the younger to: “live wisely, be pure, and to do good.” Our goal is to educate and empower.
Mirror Me, Inc’s mission is to assure identity and inspire destiny in young girls ages 11-18 through empowerment, education, and mentoring. We help aide in the development of character through community service projects and small group mentoring.
MMi Promise
The ladies of the strategic team know that we are made in the image and likeness of our Father—we promise to fulfill destiny by living a purposeful life. We promise to positively influence the attitude and nature of young girls (ages 11-18) by living a life that demonstrates the power and love of God.
“Therefore I urge you, imitate me.”